
Screenshot of the Redsport application

An interesting project

Redsport is a Swiss company offering a monthly subscription service that allows users to access electric bikes. The application, developed with the Next.js framework, materializes an ecological initiative aiming to promote sustainable and accessible urban mobility.

Screenshot of the Redsport application

Refreshing the design

The goal was to bring a new visual touch to certain pages of the site and to give Redsport a both modern and ecological image. The new design focuses on the user while giving the application its own identity.

Screenshot of the Redsport application

Optimizing the user interface

To have precise control over the UI while maintaining accessibility, I opted for the Emotion (CSS-in-JS) and Radix UI (accessible primitive components) libraries. These technological choices facilitated the customization of the interface while respecting accessibility standards.

Screenshot of the Redsport application

A confirmation

The Redsport project was an important milestone in my journey. I gained independence and technical skills. Above all, I found myself confirmed in my inclination for the front-end branch of web development.