

I develop optimized, accessible, and elegant web applications.

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Featured Work

A selection of my professional achievements

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A Bit About Me

I am Cyril, a Web Developer based in Lyon (France). I design and develop Web Applications that are efficient, accessible, elegant, and responsive. I use the JavaScript ecosystem, especially TypeScript, React, and Next.js ☀️

Technologies :

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • GraphQL
  • CSS-in-JS
  • Tailwind

Featured Projects

My favorite personal projects

Mes Mots Screenshot
Mes Mots

I've always jotted down the words I like in a Word document. Over the years, this list has grown to thousands of words. Not very practical for who wants to use it every day. Now, with my vocabulary app, all my words are in one place. Integration of the Wiktionary definition, search tool, user management with Supabase: I can finally have my words on a daily basis.

  • React -
  • Next.js -
  • TypeScript -
  • Supabase -
  • Zustand Screenshot

This is my own portfolio, a purely Front-End project, but really very technical. I'm proud of the visual I designed from scratch. Multilingual and multicolored, with just the right amount of animation to make the experience sparkling. The code is private, but if you're curious, I'll gladly give you access to it!

  • React -
  • Next.js -
  • TypeScript -
  • Zustand -
  • Framer Motion


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